Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Last week I had my deck painted (thank God!!!!), however, I was having work done on one portion of the deck area at the same time, so it did not get painted along with everything else. Last night that area was completed (it is covered, so the rain didn't interfere too badly).

Anyway, I had some guys put in a bead board ceiling and some can lights so that the covered ceiling part actually looks finished. It came out good and looks a helluva lot better than the open ceiling with the beams and boards and ugly industrial looking light. Anyway, now that it is done, I need to get the ceiling painted, that deck area painted, along with the odd touch up here and there, however, it is rainy and drizzly and shows no signs of stopping through next week.

If this is the case, then I will have to wait until the rain lets up long enough for the surfaces to dry, for a couple coats of paint, and for the paint to dry completely. In the meantime I have a patio set that is supposed to go on that deck surface and it is arriving this week sometime. All the while I am managing all the other random details of my anniversary.

We really need the rain, but I'd just like it to stop for a whole day and evening so that I can get this project completed. Then it can rain for the next couple weeks and I will welcome it gladly.

Ha! While I posted this, the clouds cleared up and the sun came out. Just like that! Now, as long as it stays like that all day, I will be really, really happy!

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