Sunday, May 31, 2009

lost 3 more pounds this week

Happy Sunday!

Sorry I have been remiss in updating my blog the past few days. I have been rather preoccupied with my anniversary wedding event which takes place a week from yesterday. My house is still in the midst of some construction happenings and currently looks like it exploded inside. I have a lot to do, but I feel strangely calm.

Anyway, I weighed myself this morning and was thrilled to see that I have lost more than 3 pounds this week. Last Thursday I started the morning by weighing myself. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had lost a little over a pound from my weight the day before. I was even more surprised to see that this occurred despite the fact that I started my cycle that same morning. Normally this time of the month, I gain a few pounds just in water retention weight. So, not only did I not gain, but I even lost some. Over the past couple days I continued to lose weight despite the fact that I'm dealing with "that time of the month" as well. Amazing.

Okay, so I do have a few things to note. First of all, this way of life is becoming more comfortable as I move along with it. I actually look forward to eating healthy, wholesome meals each day. I have by no means been perfect either, but I do find that the closer I follow the program, the more weight I lose.

Second, I was surprised to start my period when I did because that would put me right at about 28 days, and my cycle has been irregular for quite some time. I actually expected it next week sometime around my "wedding", so I am quite pleased that it came now. I also find that I'm not as moody or bitchy, especially considering the stress factor I have been dealing with on getting my home ready for about 100 of my closest and oldest friends and family. Some of which are flying in from other parts of the country to participate in the festivities.

Speaking of which, I went shopping a couple of days ago for my "wedding" outfit, and I tried on all these tops in XL, but one for one, they were too big! This is huge for me. I can now wear a large top comfortably! I had found just prior to starting Eat to Live that all my clothes felt too snug and I felt constricted in everything, but now my clothes fit comfortably! Anyway, I like the changes that my body is experiencing, and will continue to note them as I go along.

In the meantime my husband has continued to lose weight consistently and, as he puts it, "easily". He's lost 15 pounds so far and all of his pants are practically falling off. In fact, we have these white linen pants he's supposed to wear for the "wedding", but they are a bit too big for him now. By next week, they will most likely be way too big. So, off to the mall we go.

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