Friday, July 31, 2009

Been a while...

It's been a couple months since I last blogged. I kind of got caught up with my wedding and then our mini honeymoon, then the next thing you know, I got caught up with life in general. I've been meaning to blog recently, but as with all things important, you actually have to make some time for it. Though that's not quite true. You just gotta take the time to do it.

Anyway, just to catch you up on the latest...

Ever since the wedding, I have been eating mostly per Eat to Live, but with a lot of deviations (aka cheating). The bad news is that I haven't really lost much as a result. The good news is that I haven't really gained either. Usually in the past if I went off the rails on my diet, I would gain back everything I lost and then some. It's been a couple months and I have been holding steady.

We also went back to the gym on Monday and we are following the Fitness for Life workout plan (from the Body for Life book). We're still following more or less Eat to Live, but the workouts are from BFL. This morning we are weight training upper body. I am pretty sore all over at this point because we have worked out every day this week, and before that I was sitting on my lazy ass doing nothing. Though I am sore, it's a good sore.

Last night I re-read the chapter on the Eat to Live 6 week plan. Grant and I are going to follow it fully starting on Monday. In the meantime we will continue to workout.

Other news: Our "wedding" was a huge success! Everything was perfect and it was an awesome day! We went off to St. Augustine for the week after, and as usual, it was sublime!

After we got back, we discovered that our younger daughter had gotten engaged. Wow. More on that later as well.

Now that you are all caught up, I'm off to the gym this morning for upper body strength training.

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